Future Projects Updated

Email DJ

DJ / 5 Years Ago

Almost three years ago I wrote about some future projects I was looking to work on - you can find that entry here. As might be expected, much has changed over the past three years. I'm not as far as I would have thought and hoped, but I am also much farther than what I was and the path forward to getting even more clear.

The Awesome Theory
The site is still dead, now more so than ever due to technical issues resulting from the upgrade to php 7. I spent some time last year coding a follow-up game for the site before abandoning that due to php/MySQL not being able to do all the things I wanted. I have decided that I am indeed going to go the Unity route and make AT into an idle game, not unlike many I have played on Kongregate. Now that some of my other projects have come to fruition, I'm going to start building this game within the next two weeks. I am pretty excited about it!

What was going to be my Unity Journal and my WebDevDaze site have morphed together into DDC. I figured it made sense to have only one site dedicated to coding and the like. DDC just went live a few days ago and I pleased with how it turned out. I will use it to chronicle my progress on the Awesome Theory Idle game as well as anything else I am working on. This is very exciting!

...And Crustice For All
Because I merged the Unity Journal and WebDevDaze sites into a single site, I had an opening and decided to make a pizza blog site. I love pizza and had wanted for a while to keep track of the places I have eaten pizza at, so this was an easy solution. I don't like how this one turned out as much I do DDC, but it is not terrible. It could use a little more work - maybe someday.

For Love of Pinball
This was going to be called "I Love Me Some Pinball" but that name is a little long and awkward, so I changed it. I wanted it to be shorter and different, but all my ideas were already taken so here we are. This is now my only site that is not actually a thing yet. And it probably won't be for a little while because I am going to work the AT Idle game before this and that is going to take some time. Perhaps at some point I will take a break from that game to make this site. That is the most likely way it becomes a thing in the next year or so.

Wow, what a difference nearly 3 years makes. I might be slow, but I am making progress, and I think that is only going to increase and speed up even with being in a Master's Degree program currently. Awesome!

Tags | And Crustice For All | Awesome Theory | Derp Derp Code | For Love of Pinball | projects |

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